Experience Advantage

Professionals across services industries from legal to finance, insurance agents to technology and communications, are gaining market share and building their practice with the help of marketeers. We make a difference.

Elevate Business

Reputation and networking was once the way lawyers, accountants, management consultants, architects and other professionals got business done. The modern marketplace is getting tight. Today, winners need an edge in order to scale.

The immeasurable benefits of having a full-service agency as your partner include working in your business rather than on your business. LGC helps elevate your position, increase your awareness, and create value. 

We help scale your network.


On the Net Working it

Your Identity

Creating brands with a professional impact, offering presence that helps pave the way for new opportunity.

Websites are your 24/7 Office

A solid website offers professional the opportunity to create a presence that reflects their services not their real estate. Today top-notch talent falls under a virtual sky.

Video Branding Services

Video is everywhere, digital channels and outreach to social branding, it has become a perfect media to integrate and differentiate. LGC’s professional studio offers state-of-the-art production for personal and corporate branding that gives an edge.

Moving Markets

Digital Marketing Strategies

With an integrated and ongoing outreach campaign from content marketing to SEO, your message stays top of mind and can drives the audience to your brand, helping to move the market towards your brand.


The rising popularity of podcasts stretch into professional services including legal, insurance, accounting, and more. This short form media is a great way to offer tips and create thought leadership.

Direct Mail

When they zig, you zag. Direct mail is one of the best ways to gain the attention in a crowded space, particularly when you know exactly who you need to reach. LGC offers targeted data, variable data services, and fulfillment.

Commercials & Advertising

From print to creative production and media buys that include mobile, television, and print publications, LGC is a complete solution for paid advertising needs. We work with strong media inventory for better placement, and stronger conversion.


Automating Administration

Customer Journey Automation

Capturing the audience from your efforts is one thing, retargeting is another. LGC can create custom programs that retarget your efforts automatically for faster, personal response via email.

API Direct Mail Response Integration

Many agencies offer custom digital automation, LGC is a full-service direct printing and mail fulfillment housecapable of offering both digital and automated mail response to select customers.

Variable Data Artwork, Catalogs & Mail

For professional services that offer products and more, LGC has graphic art printing services on hand that work with your team to aid in the variable artwork, personalization, and mailing of your general correspondence.

Video Spotlights
Professional Insights
Is it time for a website makeover?
It is crucial in the digital age for businesses to have a reliable website. Website design and content are often viewed as the top priority, but navigation, functionality, and SEO are equally as important.

Experience the advantage , accelerate your business with LGC.